Blog Directory About Yoga And Its Benefits: June 2013

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

How to avoid backache ?

Back injuries and their resulting chronic pain are, unfortunately, common today. These injuries happen whether you’re doing lifting or sitting by a desk every day. The following tips can help save you from a painful back injury, and help you alleviate existing backache.
Avoid any repeated stress on your exact same muscles, regardless of which stance or position you’re in. Especially when cooking or cleaning or doing other repetitive tasks, at work or otherwise, you should try to avoid making the same exact motions for long periods of time. Changing your posture and simply moving around your whole body can help.
Make sure that you drink plenty of water every day. A good diet is a great way to help alleviate backache. Not only can you get a healthier body, but you can take some pressure off of your back and help it significantly.
One of the main things that can cause a sudden back injury is lifting something without knowing the true weight of it. The content of the box can be surprisingly heavy and can put unexpected strains on your back. Avoid relying on the box’s label to judge its contents.
It can be quite difficult to live a normal life if your back is in pain. Simple things like bending over, lifting items, or even just sitting in a chair, can be significantly challenging. Read on to find some tips to help relieve your pain, if this is all too familiar to you.

However you may avoid or reduce backache by following precautions
1)Obesity will increase stress on your back so you must have a balanced healthy diet in order to keep your weight within normal range and diets rich in minerals vitamins to maintain a healthy spine.A persons normal weight differs from person to person, a good body mass index({mass kg}/{height(m)}{height(m)} is a good criteria to determine someones normal weight.
2)Always try to have a good posture while sitting or standing.Improper posture while sitting or standing disrupts the normal spine curve alignment and this improper alignment will lead to increased stress on muscle and increased wear and tear problem.
3)Avoid lifting very heavy objects which you do not lift up in your daily routine as they might put sudden stress on your back and even lifting any sort of object try to align your back in correct position and lift the weight gently.
4)Always start your exercise after stretching and a proper warm up, as warm up before excercise makes your muscle warm and flexible which will help in sustaining the stress during excercise while stretching will help you in removing the back stiffness which develops due to immobility of various muscle.
5)Avoid sudden quick twisting or bending movements as they may tear those ligament which are holding your vertebrae or might injure or displace your vertebrae.

Exercises for back pain

First, you'll need to find a low-impact workout. Do not attempt jogging, running or other forms of exercise that jar the entire body. This is a quick way to exacerbate your back pain. You'll need to find a different option to attain the pain relief you seek. Thankfully, there are numerous options available that offer very real benefits. What's the lineup, you ask? The first step should actually be a visit to your doctor, who will diagnose your condition and recommend a series of exercises for back pain. If you have already been to the doctor and are still searching for the best exercise routine, you have several options.

back pain exercises

Here are some of the exercise to help you get rid of you back pain :
Knee rolls:
Start position: Lie on your back. Place a small flat cushion or book under your head. Keep your knees bent and together. Keep your upper body relaxed and your chin gently tucked in.
Action: Roll your knees to one side, followed by your pelvis, keeping both shoulders on the floor. Hold the stretch for one deep breath and return to the starting position
Repeat eight to 10 times, alternating sides.
Only move as far as feels comfortable.
Place a pillow between your knees for comfort.

Back extensions
Start position: Lie on your stomach, and prop yourself on your elbows, lengthening your spine. Keep your shoulders back and neck long.
Action: Keeping your neck long, arch your back up by pushing down on your hands. You should feel a gentle stretch in the stomach muscles as you arch backwards. Breathe and hold for five to 10 seconds. Return to the starting position.
Repeat eight to 10 times.
Don't bend your neck backwards.
Keep your hips grounded.

Deep abdominal strengthening
Start position: Lie on your back. Place a small, flat cushion or book under your head. Bend your knees and keep your feet straight and hip-width apart. Keep your upper body relaxed and your chin gently tucked in.
Action: As you breathe out, draw up the muscles of your pelvis and lower abdominals, as though you were doing up an imaginary zip along your stomach. Hold this gentle contraction while breathing from your abdomen for five to 10 breaths and relax.
Repeat five times.
This is a slow, gentle tightening of the lower abdominal region. Don't pull these muscles in using more than 25% of your maximum strength.
Make sure you don't tense up through the neck, shoulders or legs.

Pelvic tilts
Stretches and strengthens the lower back
Start position: Lie on your back. Place a small, flat cushion or book under your head. Bend your knees and keep your feet straight and hip-width apart. Keep your upper body relaxed and your chin gently tucked in.
Action: Gently flatten your low back into the floor and contract your stomach muscles. Now tilt your pelvis towards your heels until you feel a gentle arch in your lower back, feeling your back muscles contracting and return to the starting position.
Repeat 10 to 15 times, tilting your pelvis back and forth in a slow rocking motion.
Keep your deep abdominals working throughout.
Don't press down through the neck, shoulders or feet.

Source : Health Boss

Monday, 10 June 2013

Weight Loss Secrets

Many people have been facing the problem of losing weight, at some point of their life. You always want get rid of the body fat quickly and easily. Getting rid of weight in short term sounds fabulous, but the results doesn’t last longer. But remember that you should never follow fad diets. There are many other healthier options to lost weight fast.

A healthy diet and daily physical activity will help you shed some pounds off your body. But you need to remember that you should not starve yourself to death.

Usually, losing a considerable amount of pounds in a healthy way is always a long process. Here are some tips which will help you jumpstart your weight loss regime.
How to Lose Weight Fast:
If you want to lose one or two pounds in a week then you have to burn about 500 or more calories every day for a week. The best and the fastest way to get rid of weight are to exercise a lot and eat less.

For example, if you intake about 1000 or 1200 calories per day then you have to do exercise for about an hour each day. Doing this will enable you to lose 3 to 5 pounds in just one week. You should remember that, cutting down more calories a day will be dangerous and may lead to various health issues.

Cut down salt and starches as they tend to lose on more weight as they are mostly fluids, and do not contain fat. Reducing fluids and fluid retention, results in weight loss.

Weight Loss Secrets

Here are some weight loss secrets :

1. WATER,it plays a very important role in LOOSING WEIGHT. If you drink 10-12 glasses of WATER a day your METABOLIC RATE of body increases and helps in absorb NUTRIENTS better. It will also helps in  eliminates WASTE MATERIALS and TOXINS due to which you are unable to reduce your weight even after so much of tries and which interfrnce the METABOLISM.

2.Take PROTEINS as much you can because it not only helps in making good MUSCLES but it also less FATS and CARBOHYDRATES in our body. EAT natural protein like OATS, SOY etc. EGGS and MILK are two other foods which are rich in proteins but they are also rich in FAT. But you can take low fat milk and eggs without yolk.

3. We generally consumes 3 meals a day but if you want to loose your weight you have to take 5-6 meals a day by which your metabolism is keep on working and also reduces the pressure on DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. Thos helps you to shed ADDITIONAL WEIGHT.

4.Never miss your BREAKFAST,you think it willn't reduce weight but if you will helps you in reduce weight as if you take BREAKFAST you willn't feel hunger and due to which you willn't eat JUNK FOODS.


6. If you are fond of LATE NIGHT EATING or going for restaurants or hotels then you have to leave this because these habits effects you very much and gains weight very much early.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Benefits of Yoga for Stress

Is Yoga helping to overcome stress
Yoga for Stress
Yoga for Stress
That's the question being posed by new research at the University of Adelaide, which is hoping to better understand if, and how, yoga can be used as a therapy for stress - and who can benefit most from it.

The study is being conducted by Psychology PhD student Kaitlin Harkess who has been a yoga instructor for the past seven years.

"Anecdotally there's a lot of evidence to suggest that yoga can have benefits for people experiencing stress; I've seen that from my yoga students over the years. But it's one thing just to accept this as fact, it's quite another to put it to the test scientifically, which is what we're doing with this new study," Ms Harkess says.

"Yoga is growing in popularity in Western countries, but so are stress levels in our everyday lives.

"Severe forms of stress can be extremely debilitating for people - they can suffer physical as well as psychological and emotional impacts from stress. Anxiety, burn-out, depression, these are all of interest from a clinical psychology point of view. But stress can also result in real problems with people's immune systems and cardiovascular health, for example.

"Yoga involves controlled movement of the body, breathing and relaxation techniques, and these might be broadly applicable to helping people overcome stress in their lives," she says.

South Australian women aged 35-65 are needed for the study. They must be new to yoga. By participating, women will learn a basic form of yoga and attend a free yoga class twice a week for two months.

Ms Harkess says women who participate in the study will fill out a standard psychology questionnaire to help determine their level of stress. Those taking part in the study can give blood so that biochemical markers for stress can be tracked.

"There have been small studies in the past suggesting that yoga is beneficial in overcoming stress, but we're looking for 90 women to participate, which will be the biggest study of its kind so far," Ms Harkess says.